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ironmantissaonApr 2, 2021

Judea Pearl also wrote a great layman book called “The Book of Why” that I highly recommend.

pjmorrisonSep 16, 2020

For balance and discussion, Andrew Gelman's critical review of 'The Book of Why': https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2019/01/08/book-pearl...

2sk21onMay 30, 2018

I can recommend his new book, "The book of Why" very highly. Even though I am very familiar with Bayes nets, I discovered that that a lot of progress has been made in that side of AI.

svatonJan 11, 2019

A discussion about this book on the statistics StackExchange, with some interesting answers: "The Book of Why by Judea Pearl: Why is he bashing statistics?"

abecedariusonDec 23, 2018

I presume this was heavily downvoted because of the Rand. While I'm not a fan of her either, that's unfair: 1. Dreaming in Code and The Book of Why are excellent (I haven't read the other two), and 2. Rand makes some points that some people need to learn, even if I don't buy her whole worldview.

DailyHNonOct 31, 2019

If this is interesting to you, I recommend "The Book of Why" by Judea Pearl.

jkhdigitalonJune 15, 2021

Try Judea Pearl’s The Book of Why for an exploration of the formalizations of counterfactual reasoning. I’m not sure what this article’s author is trying to say, so I’ll project and assume that it has something to do with the science of causation.

grphtrdronMay 4, 2021

I would just add that the content of The Book of Why is amazing but damn is the audio book bad.

It might be the worst read book I can think of. I am not even sure why, it just so painful to get through with the way the voice actor speaks.

Hopefully it gets a new rendition at some point in the future.

mark_l_watsononMay 19, 2018

I bought Judea Pearl’s new book The Book of Why last night after reading this article. So far I love the book. I manage a machine learning team at work and I appreciate Pearl’s discussion of how deep learning and statistics won’t lead to strong AI.

mindcrimeonJan 11, 2019

There are a lot of diagrams and a bit of math, which don't naturally translate to a purely auditory experience very well. Having read The Book of Why I can't imagine how it would translate to a reasonable audio-book. Frankly I'm surprised they even released an audio-book version at all.

littlestymaaronMar 8, 2021

Using «the book of Why», which is a book of popular science, not an academic book, as a reference is a bit troubling though.

turing_completeonOct 29, 2020

I recommend "The Book of Why" by Judea Pearl as an introduction to the topic. It is targeted at a general (but educated) audience.

keithyjohnsononApr 20, 2020

The Book of Why by Judea Pearl may be a good starting point for anyone interested in this.

michelpponMar 7, 2021

Yes. To me The Book of Why is sort of an approachable summary of his whole career culminating in his work on causal inference.

drallisononJan 13, 2019

Judea's work and "The Book of Why" ought to be required reading for anyone who draws conclusions from data. People who do not understand statistics well enough to understand the book need to study statistical thinking until they do.

Michael Nielson has a nice post (circa 2012) on the topic at http://www.michaelnielsen.org/ddi/if-correlation-doesnt-impl... with comments at

sipjcaonFeb 17, 2020

Yeah ASCII Art is not ideal for drawings like this. I get frustrated enough at work writing comments requiring drawings. I can’t imagine trying to do that here.

Maybe something very simple:
A->B<-C similar to the syntax described for causal diagrams in Judea Pearl’s “The Book of Why

2sk21onMay 26, 2018

This is so true! I am rarely impressed by movie versions of my favorite books.

On a related note, I have been reading Judea Pearl's new book, "The book of Why" (truly wonderful book incidentally). I think that stories must, in some way, help us learn counterfactual reasoning. That is, help us create alternate versions of reality to conduct "what if" experiments in our mind.

kgwgkonJuly 11, 2018

Also in the recent and upcoming releases in "causality" department: The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie)

terminlvelocityonSep 6, 2019

I really enjoyed hearing Judea Pearl being interviewed, as I am most of the way through "The Book of Why" and have learned a lot from it. I did feel that Sam steered the conversation a bit too much towards his favorite topics (like free will) and wish there was a bit more discussion of philosophy/history of science, but it was still a great listen.

I first learned of Judea Pearl by stumbling across the transcript of a talk he gave while I was researching DAGs: http://singapore.cs.ucla.edu/LECTURE/lecture_sec1.htm . The way he grounded his talk in the history of thought hooked me, and the talk serves as a good general overview for those deciding if they want to pick up the book.

saroshonJan 27, 2020

While the article is a nice Q&A with Pearl about his new book, The Book of Why, there is a very detailed technical tutorial from 2014 at http://research.microsoft.com/apps/video/default.aspx?id=206... that provides a very in depth explanation of causal calculus / coutnerfactuals / etc. and how these tools should be used

peterthehackeronAug 17, 2020

Reading this paper reminds me how important it is for AI to continue to evolve it’s core algorithms.

Deep learning models are effectively pattern matching machines that cannot separate causality from correlation. As we throw more compute and $$$ at deep learning models we will experience diminishing returns in performance because of this.

For us to achieve AGI[0], the holy grail of AI, we will need to develop algorithms that can recognize causality somehow. Judea Pearl’s “The Book of Why”[1] does a great job articulating why this is important. Deep learning is a big leap forward and we’re only beginning to see its impacts, but it’s not sufficient to achieve AI’s most ambitious goals.

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_general_intellige...

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Book-Why-Science-Cause-Effect/dp/0465...

raindeer3onDec 19, 2019

Can recommend Judea Pearl's recent book on the subject. The Book of Why

justinpombrioonAug 9, 2018

There's also "The Book of Why", which is a pop-sci-ish book by Pearl and Dana Mackenzie. It contained just enough math and examples to get me really excited for causal inference, so I just bought "Causal inference in statistics" to see the theory in detail. If you want to learn what causal inference is about, but don't necessarily want to wade through a textbook immediately, I highly recommend "The Book of Why".


zbyonAug 22, 2019

I concur - "The Book of Why" lays out this thesis really well (http://bayes.cs.ucla.edu/WHY/).

drallisononFeb 23, 2019

Reading Judea Pearl is recommended. You might begin with The Book of Why and then do a deep dive. Michael Neilson has a good blog post on the issue: http://www.michaelnielsen.org/ddi/if-correlation-doesnt-impl... with interesting comments by Judea Pearl at http://www.michaelnielsen.org/ddi/guest-post-judea-pearl-on-....

JachonMay 20, 2018

I just started reading The Book of Why too, so far so good. I pre-ordered it once I found out it was coming. I've been telling people my view of it is it's like the primer to the primer (Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer) to a subject-introduction paper (An Introduction to Causal Inference) to the OG math book (Causality). I'm hoping to eventually get back to the nice Causality hardcover I've had on my shelf for too long.

DailyHNonFeb 26, 2019

Judea Pearl should have written "The Book of Why" about the millions of preventable deaths attributed to global warming.

Instead, he wrote about, what appears to be the same phenomena, the "cigarettes are bad deniers" of the 1900s.

ReDeiPirationAug 12, 2019

1. Grokking Deep Learning (Andrew W. Trask) and Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Michael Nielsen)

2. I'll probably be off-point here, but maybe The Book of Why (Judea Pearl) could be interesting reading for you.

FloydHub has a great article about this topic on their blog:

eldavojohnonJune 19, 2019

This was discussed in a really interesting way in the Pearl/MacKenzie book "The Book of Why" which I heavily recommend for people interested in cause & effect. Really opened my eyes to a lot of things I had been doing statistically but never known formally what was going on. http://bayes.cs.ucla.edu/WHY/

rahimnathwanionJune 25, 2020

Some Blinkist summaries contain most/all important ideas from the related book. Those books tend to have a simple set of ideas, illustrated by heaps of anecdote and examples.

But Blinkist also provides summaries for books that have a lot of ideas and depth (e.g. 'The book of why' by Judea Pearl) which would not benefit from being shortened. In these cases, a summary or blog post can whet your appetite, but isn't a substitute for the book.

madrafionJuly 13, 2018

- Neromancer
- 1984
- The Bitcoin Standard
- The Conquest of Happiness (Bertrand Russel)
- The Book of Why

mindcrimeonDec 23, 2018

Favorites read in 2018:

Dreaming in Code by Scott Rosenberg. This book is, so far, the closest I've come to finding a "spiritual successor" to The Soul of a New Machine by Kidder. If you liked The Soul of a New Machine, or if you like watching Halt and Catch Fire, you may well like Dreaming in Code.

Inspired by Marty Cagan. Really solid overview of the essentials of product management.

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect by Judea Pearl. Judea Pearl is, of course, a giant in the worlds of statistics and AI, and this book distills his work on "causal inference" and lays it all out in a pretty accessible manner. Not a textbook per-se, but not completely non-technical either. Read this if you're interested in how statistical analysis can be used to truly establish cause/effect relationships.

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal by Ayn Rand. Do you think you hate Capitalism? Do you not understand why so many people love Capitalism? Have you based your opinion of Ayn Rand on second-hand commentary instead of actually reading her works? Then read this book.

nkassisonOct 11, 2018

I'm wondering if there are confounding variables that are affecting this result. For example New York and New Jersey are some of the most regressive states defined as difference in funding levels between rich and poor school districts. I found this chart which shows each states:


If race is a mediator for income levels and in turn funding level shouldn't the researchers here include the difference in funding levels between income levels into their model to determine the true performance per spent dollar?

I might be wrong as I'm no expert in the field but I think these type of problems are what causal models try to address. I've really enjoyed "The book of why" by Judea Pearl on the topic. It got me interested in learning more about causality.

axplusbonJuly 13, 2018

Judea Pearl's The Book of Why.

Basically Pearl argues that classical statistics completely ignored the concept of causality so far and introduces a complete framework to bring causal inference into statistical/data analysis. The framework is based on graphs and asks for causal hypotheses (like econometricians would do with instrumental variables) and allows to compute/quantify causal effects.

Anyone working with data should probably read this book. The fact that Pearl brought in a professional math/science writer as co-author is a huge boost to the main ideas accessibility and make for a nice albeit deep summer read.

halhenonJuly 6, 2018

I'm not well rounded enough to draw a clear path from where you are. For me Gelmans Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models [0] drove home many, many points. More recently, I have a sense/hope that Pearl's The Book of Why [1] might take this to yet another level.

[0] http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/arm/
[1] https://www.amazon.com/Book-Why-Science-Cause-Effect/dp/0465...

mcguireonMar 2, 2019

I'd like to say that the author has been reading The Book of Why, but it seems that he hasn't because he missed the punch line of the section on the paradox: you need a causal model to separate the two branches of the paradox. It's as easy to construct examples where the overall view is correct as it is so construct examples where the separate views are.

bart_spoononNov 1, 2019

Well there are some fairly distinct camps forming in data science. You are correct that those coming from a statistics background would generally prefer simpler, more parsimonious models. There is a not-insignificant group that seem to be coming into the field via other channels (CS, boot camps, self-teaching, etc.) who view statistics as a field as a bit of a dinosaur and therefore the statistician mindset to be backwards. Simpler models aren't a good thing, they are a bad thing. Any amount of increased complexity is worth even a small amount of improvement in performance.

I think some of this is exacerbated by modern pillars of machine learning and data science. Competition sites like Kaggle are entirely based on maximizing test set accuracy, and so winning submissions these days are huge morasses of ensemble methods that are trained for days and weeks on GPUs, but in the end they are often only marginally better than some of the fairly basic standard approaches. And when companies like Google are building their bots for Go or Starcraft, they are using cutting edge techniques. When people see that and get inspired to get into data science, thats what they want to do, even the the majority of problems are more rooted in data quality, thoughtful understanding of the problem, and more rudimentary methods.

Its also the result of some of the rhetoric of important figures in the field. Yann LeCun has pushed back strongly in the past on criticisms of modern day machine learning's occasionally lack of concern with introspection and model understanding. Judea Pearl, a Turing award winner for his work in machine learning, devotes large portions of his pop-sci The Book of Why attacking the field of statistics on the whole, as well as engaging in multiple attacks on historical influencers in the field with such ferocity it borders on character assassination. He has even rebuffed modern critics, such as the very widely respected Andrew Gelman, by saying they are "lacking courage" by failing to accept his "revolutionary" causal inference methods over the traditional ones used in statistics.

The attitude is driven a lot by the people and institutions at the top, and as someone in the field, I unfortunately encounter this kind of thinking way too often.

forrestthewoodsonMar 5, 2019

Post author here. Can confirm I’ve not read The Book of Why!

I’ll add it to my reading list.

sriram_malharonDec 13, 2018

Judea Pearl has added considerably to this line of thinking (Bayesian Networks), by annotating them with causality. This allows us to explicitly model the traditional notion of "hidden variables", or "confounders", and make sound inferences in many (most?) practical cases even when one can't directly observe -- but merely suspect the existence of -- some hidden cause.

I thoroughly enjoyed his "The Book of Why", a lay introduction to this subject.

org3432onJuly 11, 2018

Judea Pearl also wrote a summary of The Book of Why here:

tomrodonFeb 5, 2020

For those interested in a great read on why causality really does matter, give "The Book of Why" a read. I'm not convinced Judea Pearl's modeling approach is the most rigorous, but it does a clear and convincing job putting causality (esp. w/ data fusion!) at the heart of modern systems (including ML).

For those on a more mathematical bend, check out "Causality" by the same author or "Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences" by Imbens and Rubin

mistermannonSep 5, 2019

Recent appearance on Sam Harris podcast, I quite enjoyed it....


#164 - Cause & Effect - A Conversation with Judea Pearl

August 5, 2019

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Judea Pearl about his work on the mathematics of causality and artificial intelligence. They discuss how science has generally failed to understand causation, different levels of causal inference, counterfactuals, the foundations of knowledge, the nature of possibility, the illusion of free will, artificial intelligence, the nature of consciousness, and other topics.

Judea Pearl is a computer scientist and philosopher, known for his work in AI and the development of Bayesian networks, as well as his theory of causal and counterfactual inference. He is a professor of computer science and statistics and director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory at UCLA. In 2011, he was awarded with the Turing Award, the highest distinction in computer science. He is the author of The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (coauthored with Dana Mackenzie) among other titles.

Twitter: @yudapearl

michelpponJuly 2, 2019

The Book of Why, by Judea Pearl.


notafraudsteronJan 11, 2019

As someone who does social science causal inference for a living, I have to say that I didn't really enjoy "The Book of Why". Full disclosure: I mostly practice the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes form of causal inference rather than the Pearl do-calculus / DAG ("directed acyclic graph") form of causal inference, but the two are in many cases equivalent.

The reason I didn't like the book is that I found it insufficiently rigorous to really engage with the "how" of doing causal inference, but excessively mathematical as a theoretical introduction to causality.

"Causality: A Primer" (also written by Pearl) is a very short book that I think does a good job of surfacing some of the same theoretical background while also explaining how to use Pearl's causality. If you exhaust that, I'd recommend moving to the full "Causality" book.

But otherwise I'd recommend actually looking into the counterfactual / potential outcomes view of causality. The set of questions it answers are about 80% overlapping (although both Pearl and POs have their own 20%), but I find the vocabulary a little more intuitive. Canonical books include Morgan and Winship "Counterfactuals and Causal Inference" or Imbens and Rubin "Causal Inference for Social Scientists".

As to the blog post, Pearl is correct that causality requires qualitative assumptions about design to justify assumptions required to do causal inference. In Pearl's work this is often motivated as qualitative knowledge informing the structure of the DAG before any estimation. But recent advances in causal discovery have actually rendered it possible to black box the structure of a DAG from data -- happy to provide citations if this is down the rabbit hole. By contrast, I agree with Gelman that Pearl is an irritating writer and that in "The Book of Why" he gives a sloppy intellectual history of causation.

gooseusonOct 22, 2018

I'm currently reading The Book of Why by Judea Pearl and I think that he makes that claim that our brains are Bayesian and then some.

Haven't finished yet, he gets into artificial intelligence in the next few chapters, but he seems to make the claim that our brains work by doing a number of computations involved in causal inference beyond just Bayesian inference, such as subconsciously constructing causal diagrams and using them for causal inference including asking questions about counterfactual scenarios.

Would be interested to hear if anyone else who has read this book can help elaborate on this some.

banjo_milkmanonDec 23, 2018

Books I liked in 2018:

Crashed by Adam Tooze ; history of the financial crisis, goes into more detail than most of the others

The Future of Capitalism by Paul Collier; lots of ideas on how to improve our situation, most of them are good, UK focused

Bad Blood by John Carreyrou; if you've ever been in a startup you'll recognize bits of this story, but it quickly gets out of control in novel ways. Astonishing story.

What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets by Michel Sandel

The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu

Who we are and how we got here by David Reich: ancient DNA and human history

The Book of Why by Judea Pearl; liked it but I need to reread this one a few more times to comprehend completely or go to his textbooks

Empire of Cotton: Sven Birckets; a history of the first global technology including how it made the UK & USA rich

The Away Game: The Epic Search for Soccer's Next Superstar by Sebastian Abbot

nkurzonAug 8, 2018

I recently read Pearl's recent "The Book of Why", and thought it was excellent: https://www.basicbooks.com/titles/judea-pearl/the-book-of-wh...

Unlike his previous books this is intended for general audiences rather than practitioners. It offers a good overview of Causal Inference, as well as a personal take on why there is such a split between his graphical approach and others such as SEM.

Overall, Pearl is unabashedly optimistic that statistics is finally on the verge of a "causal revolution", and this book tries to describe what that means. I'd recommend it highly, either as standalone or as background to accompany his more technical works.

conjecturesonJan 11, 2019

"you'd be doing a great service to encourage him to formulate such a "toy" question that he thinks is unanswerable without resorting to the do-calculus, which you then try to answer to the audiences' satisfaction using more standard techniques."

This would be very helpful indeed.

I think a lot of the issue comes down to how idiosyncratic Pearl's work is. It will have to accumulate quite a lot of victories before enough people will bother with it.

Until then I suspect Causality will remain something of a statistical Finnegan's Wake.

I'll probably read The Book of Why to try and get a better handle on motivation for the technical material.

mindcrimeonJuly 13, 2018

A few recommedations:

1. Black Like Me - John Howard Griffin -

2. More Matrix and Philosophy - William Irwin (ed) - https://www.amazon.com/More-Matrix-Philosophy-Revolutions-Re...

3. Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas Hofstadter - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del,_Escher,_Bach

4. The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Jim_Crow

5. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal - Ayn Rand - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0451147952/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?ps...

6. The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountainhead

7. The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect - Judea Pearl - https://www.amazon.com/Book-Why-Science-Cause-Effect/dp/0465...

8. The Education of Millionaires - Michael Ellsberg - https://www.amazon.com/Education-Millionaires-Everything-Col...

9. The Silent Corner, The Whispering Room, and The Crooked Staircase - Dean Koontz - http://www.deankoontz.com/book-series/jane-hawk

10. Godel's Proof - Ernest Nagel & James Newman - https://www.amazon.com/G%C3%B6dels-Proof-Ernest-Nagel/dp/081...

11. After Dark - Haruki Murakami - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17803.After_Dark

f00_onJan 9, 2019

Last year, I finished The Great Transformation by Karl Polyani, published in 1944 (the same year Hayek published The Road to Serfdom), Judea Pearl's The Book of Why and Mastering Metrics by Angrist and Pischke.

The methodology of Austrian economics seems completely unscientific, I believe a part of praxeology is disregarding empirical evidence(?). Reminds me of something like Ayn Rand's egoism. It just seems to me you can't persuasively argue a philosophical theory without empirical justification

I have a more favorable view towards Polyani's methodology, who largely draws on historical sources. The historical approach seems at least some what grounded compared to the pure theory used in much of economics

Economic theory and statistics can't answer questions like "How much of an effect can we expect if we were to raise minimum wage by one dollar an hour".

A randomized control trial is the gold standard, and the way forward seems to be more experiments like the RAND Health Insurance Experience and the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment. Even these results and their policy implications are subject to debate, so how could pure theory even get close?

However, randomized experiments in the social sciences often aren't feasible for cost or ethical reasons. So econometrics has developed tools to work on natural experiments, or even observational data, like Differences-in-Differences, Instrumental Variables, Regression Discontinuity designs.

Even a brief skim of methodological considerations in economics reveals how much uncertainty there is. I am only a fan of economics (only high school and college microeconomics) so I'm likely wrong

pjmorrisonAug 12, 2019

Seems like 'Deep Learning' [0] might suit for your first type of book. For the second type of book, may I suggest 'The Book of Why' by Judea Pearl. It isn't focused specifically on deep learning, but it is focused philosophical and cross disciplinary applications of statistical techniques.

disclaimer: I haven't really dug in to deep learning, so I'll wager there may be great resources I'm completely unaware of.

[0] 'Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, MIT Press, https://www.deeplearningbook.org/

anotha1onMay 4, 2021

Sadly, social media is the new smoking.

I encourage everyone to read "the book of why" by Judea Pearl. It illustrates how "research" and "studies" were used to sew doubt about the dangers of smoking. That's where we're at with social media, BUT, we have new tools like causal inference that should decrease the length of time we deal with "no link found here" or "correlation is not causation" bs.

EngineerBetteronMar 8, 2019

The big missing piece is not LIDAR, but causal reasoning. Autopilot and similar 'AI' cannot reason; it doesn't have a mental model to ponder 'what if' and can't use counter-factuals to ponder what would happen if it didn't do something. It's just glorified pattern matching currently.

Reading Judea Pearl's The Book Of Why certainly sobered my outlook on AI.

vajrabumonSep 17, 2020

Those methods were invented by Judea Pearl, a computer science professor at UCLA who won the Turing Award in 2011 partly for that work. He's written several books on the topic. The most recent is The Book of Why. See here for previous discussions of the book including one just two days ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24487135 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20889143 ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18871450

eli_gottliebonDec 12, 2018

Ongoing reads:

* Principles of Neural Design by Peter Sterling

* What Science Offers the Humanities by Edward Slingerland

* Category Theory for Programmers by Bartosz Milewski

* How Do You Feel? by Bud Craig

Completed reads:

* The Book of Why by Judea Pearl

* Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor by Yossi Klein Halevi

* The Glass Bead Game by Herman Hesse

* The Next Revolution by Murray Bookchin

* Democratic Confederalism by Abdullah Ocalan

* A bunch of trashy pulp scifi

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