Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Robert C. Martin
4.7 on Amazon
43 HN comments
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
Martin Kleppmann
4.8 on Amazon
34 HN comments
The Martian
Andy Weir, Wil Wheaton, et al.
4.7 on Amazon
27 HN comments
The Pragmatic Programmer: 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition: Your Journey to Mastery
David Thomas, Andrew Hunt, et al.
4.8 on Amazon
27 HN comments
Snow Crash
Neal Stephenson, Jonathan Davis, et al.
4.3 on Amazon
24 HN comments
The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers & Learn If Your Business Is a Good Idea When Everyone Is Lying to You
Rob Fitzpatrick and Robfitz Ltd
4.7 on Amazon
22 HN comments
Frank Herbert, Scott Brick, et al.
4.7 on Amazon
20 HN comments
Seveneves: A Novel
Neal Stephenson, Mary Robinette Kowal, et al.
4.1 on Amazon
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Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
Matthew Walker, Steve West, et al.
4.7 on Amazon
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Project Hail Mary
Andy Weir, Ray Porter, et al.
4.7 on Amazon
18 HN comments
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It
Chris Voss, Michael Kramer, et al.
4.8 on Amazon
18 HN comments
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley
4.6 on Amazon
16 HN comments
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman, Patrick Egan, et al.
4.6 on Amazon
16 HN comments
The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition
Don Norman
4.6 on Amazon
15 HN comments
A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Center for Environmental Structure Series)
Christopher Alexander , Sara Ishikawa , et al.
4.7 on Amazon
15 HN comments
AlbertCoryonAug 13, 2021
Read "Thinking Fast and Slow" (which, to their credit, they do list as a resource) and skip the rest of their grant seeking.
AzzieElbabonJuly 12, 2021
nicclonMay 19, 2021
klelattionJuly 8, 2021
A lot of the criticisms seem highly dubious e.g. is this really true?
> The entire business-focused self-help industry is built on the fallacy that successful people read a lot of books.
Altogether seems more like a rant than reasoned criticism.
BTW the list of books cited as an example of the 'scam' includes "Thinking, Fast and Slow" - reasonably sure that reading this is a lot more worthwhile than reading this particular post.
AlbertCoryonJune 30, 2021
Read "Thinking, Fast and Slow" where he talks about estimating the time to create a new textbook.
qwerty456127onJuly 12, 2021
calnyonAug 13, 2021
alok-gonJuly 12, 2021
There's an 'Ask HN' thread on "high signal to noise ratio" books: I note that "Thinking, Fast and Slow" is also listed here.
Wikipedia itself is of course lovely for high information density and is my go-to resource.
quietbritishjimonAug 3, 2021
Start with a known past project that is in some way similar in magnitude and adjust from there. For example, "this is twice as complex as some other project I did, and that took 2 months so this one might take 4 months". Most importantly, resist the temptation to say "although 1 of those 2 months was because of unexpected thing X so I shouldn't include that". Overall, it's highly flawed, but much less highly flawed than anything else. This is called "reference class forecasting".
He gave a really compelling explanation of why estimates are almost always underestimates by a significant amount, and this technique is the best defence against it, but I won't try to resummarise because I'll surely misrepresent it. But I do recall he gave an example where he and some colleagues were trying to make a school syllabus about deductive biases, and underestimated the effort required for their own project.
faeriechanglingonMay 24, 2021
I don't know where you got the impression that MOST of his research got undermined by that blog post when that blog post mostly took down a few chapters. If anything Kahneman impressed me for coming out of the replication crisis with not much more than a blown off limb. It would be great if Kahneman got everything perfect the first go of things but it was practically the point of his book that it's incredibly difficult to not make the exact mistakes that he ended up making.
The above posters general point is correct that the author doesn't really understand Kahneman's work, otherwise they would not have phrased things the way they did.
jessedhillononMay 22, 2021
This and other experiences convinced me that learning the formal rules of a language is perhaps not the best way to approach learning. Especially not if your intention is to speak to locals, rather than say, become a TV news announcer. I think the most critical skill of language learning is to get the "muscle memory" of the language, the reflex of subconsciously mapping concepts to words in your internal lookup table. This skill is even precedes IMO listening comprehension: naturally, when you're listening to someone speak, you'll miss words. But if your mastery of the language is sufficient to allow you to quickly guess what you would have said in the gap if you were speaking, then the error is survivable. I find that this seems to be how the brain works when listening to speech in your native language.
To correlate with Dan Ariely's "Thinking, Fast and Slow" it's the fast mode that's needed, whereas as a grammatical approach tends to emphasize and develop slow mode skills. Sometimes you need to go slow before you go fast, but given that children jump I without knowing the rules, I don't think it's necessary for language. (I also think too much is made about the supposed inelasticity of the adult brain re languages) I hope/expect with AI, there is a really interesting possibility around the corner for learning language in a simulated immersion environment. The Google and Amazon translation APIs seem, on paper, to provide at least 50% of what that would take.
allie1onApr 20, 2021
What I love is spaced repetition of the highlights. I don't do it time based though. I do it based on subject, and this gets a lot more powerful when it's more than one book on a subject.
For example - go through my highlights on Influence (Chialdini), Thinking Fast and Slow, Poor Charlie's Almanac, and think about how they complement each other.
Seeing the same subject from multiple points of view, sometimes conflicting, other times corroborating each other is very helpful to build a more wholesome base of knowledge.
btillyonAug 16, 2021
We should all know that given a belief about the world, and evidence, Bayes' Theorem describes how to update our beliefs.
But what if we have a network of interrelated beliefs? That's called a Bayesian net, and it turns out that Bayes' Theorem also prescribes a unique answer. However, unfortunately, it turns out that working out that answer is NP-hard.
OK, you say, we can come up with an approximate answer. Sorry, no, coming up with an approximate answer that gets within probability 0.5 - ε, for 0 < ε, is ALSO NP-hard. It is literally true that under the right circumstances a single data point logically should be able to flip our entire world view, and which data point does it is computationally intractible.
Therefore our brains use a bunch of heuristics, with a bunch of known failure modes. You can read all the lesswrong you want. You can read Thinking, Fast and Slow and learn why we fail as we do. But the one thing that we cannot do, no matter how much work or effort we put into it, is have the sheer brainpower required to actually BE rational.
The effort of doing better is still worthwhile. But the goal itself is unachievable.
dash2onJuly 12, 2021
SwizeconAug 3, 2021
A similar effect can be found with Grit, Fogg’s Behavior Model, Superforecasting, and most Gladwel books.
On the coding side, I’ve only noticed this with Pragmatic Programmer, Clean Code, and maybe Phoenix/Unicorn project. Could I don’t read enough of those or they’re too focused on specific technologies instead of broad ideas … or I get too much of my technical reading from blogs and twitter. Those do get repetitive and you quickly find common patterns, but no titles to refer to.
godmode2019onJune 26, 2021
* Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth - specialisation is for insects.
* Propaganda - 1928 book by the inventor of public relations and modern media. Know how they influence you.
* The war of art - being a professional. Honesty I don't think this book was written by a human this book completely changed my life and any other person I for to read this book had a similar experience.
I have more but I don't want to information overload anyone.