HackerNews Readings
40,000 HackerNews book recommendations identified using NLP and deep learning

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The Pragmatic Programmer: 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition: Your Journey to Mastery

David Thomas, Andrew Hunt, et al.

4.8 on Amazon

396 HN comments

Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture

David Kushner, Wil Wheaton, et al.

4.8 on Amazon

262 HN comments

Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems

Martin Kleppmann

4.8 on Amazon

241 HN comments

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Robert C. Martin

4.7 on Amazon

232 HN comments

Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

Charles Petzold

4.6 on Amazon

186 HN comments

Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions

Gayle Laakmann McDowell

4.7 on Amazon

180 HN comments

The Soul of A New Machine

Tracy Kidder

4.6 on Amazon

177 HN comments

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler))

Martin Fowler

4.7 on Amazon

116 HN comments

Thinking in Systems: A Primer

Donella H. Meadows and Diana Wright

4.6 on Amazon

104 HN comments

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

Nick Bostrom, Napoleon Ryan, et al.

4.4 on Amazon

90 HN comments

The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation

Jon Gertner

4.6 on Amazon

85 HN comments

Effective Java

Joshua Bloch

4.8 on Amazon

84 HN comments

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

Eric Evans

4.6 on Amazon

83 HN comments

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

Cathy O'Neil

4.5 on Amazon

75 HN comments

A Philosophy of Software Design

John Ousterhout

4.4 on Amazon

74 HN comments

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joubertonOct 19, 2018

I really enjoyed the book, "Thinking in Systems: A Primer", because it expanded my horizons and gave words to concepts I had for systems behavior.


AlexSolutiononSep 9, 2019

https://ncase.me/loopy/ is a great aid in systems thinking and was inspired by the Thinking In Systems book.

dpeckonDec 27, 2017

I enjoyed reading and feel like I got a lot out of Thinking in Systems: A Primer https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp...

kaycebasquesonMar 23, 2017

"Thinking In Systems: A Primer" was a wonderful introduction to the topic.


kornishonMay 13, 2019

Thinking In Systems by Donella Meadows is great.

digita88onMay 21, 2014

Non-technical but some great concepts which can be adapted to programming:
Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows
The Checklist Manifesto by Athul Gawande

ncphillipsonMay 13, 2019

I enjoyed this book a lot but Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows is definitely a better introduction to systems thinking

rymohronJune 6, 2016

Yeah that's the gist of it. Helping people make sense of complicated relationships so they can make an impact.

If you're interested in this stuff Donella Meadow's book "Thinking in Systems" is a great introduction: http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp/...

kimaronJan 21, 2019

I didn't know that website but it seems to have lots of interesting content.

On a related note, Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows is one of my favorite books.

waterlinkonJuly 26, 2017

That reminds me of an amazing book "Thinking in Systems: A Primer." It is probably on my list of must-read books for software developers and other roles around them.

juvonionFeb 5, 2019

Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy by William B. Irvine

JtsummersonJan 21, 2019


(On mobile) If I grabbed the right link that’s chapter 6 (maybe edited a bit?) of Thinking in Systems. If it interests you you’ll probably like the rest of the book.

vldxonJune 7, 2017

Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline is great. Related, I would also recommend "Thinking in Systems" by Donella Meadows and "An Introduction to General Systems Thinking" by Jerry Weinberg.

chadcmulliganonFeb 6, 2019

Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella Meadows

I'd done a lot of computer systems and engineering control courses but this book put systems into perspective for me. They're everywhere and we're embedded in them. If you want to change the world this is the book to read. Its also a quick read.

hcarvalhoalvesonApr 5, 2019

A good book on the topic is "Thinking in Systems" by Donella Meadows [1]. It's a catalog of common system patterns and how they behave to give you some tools to answer the "then what?".

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp...

wartijn_onDec 18, 2018

Nice overview.
However, if I search in the tread, I can find "Thinking in Systems: A Primer" only twice. There are a few other books with "systems in the title, maybe some of those are counted as well?

sb1752onFeb 5, 2019

Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. I used to think of the world mostly in terms of dramatic events, heroes and villains. I now mostly see systems and incentives, patterns and trends.

Barrin92onJune 8, 2018

Another great introductory book addressing these issues within dynamic systems is Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows

a_bonoboonMar 29, 2018

Along with Meadows' Thinking in Systems I read Mitchell's Complexity: A Guided Tour, which is just that - a reasonably superficial tour over many examples. It's a very good starting point since it's got a long bibliography.

phatleonApr 6, 2020

I'm reading this subject too. Thinking in Systems: A Primer is also a good book. Highly recommended.

CrackpotGonzoonJan 14, 2020

This is a great point. I read Thinking in Systems a few years ago and it changed how I observe and try to influence (or not) existing systems. Highly recommend. https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp...

jronkoneonNov 13, 2011

Thinking in Systems - Donella H. Meadows

Early Retirement Extreme - Jacob Lund Fisker

scotch_drinkeronApr 5, 2019

I'm reading Gerald Weinberg's general systems book and it talks about second order thinking. Also, thinking in systems by Meadows is a great primer

schuetzeonDec 26, 2017

Thinking in Systems: A Primer” by Dana Meadows. One of the best books for understanding the worlds systems intuitively. Allows you to use a mathematical framework without needing precise numbers to get a model off the ground.

chadcmulliganonSep 3, 2020

Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows

This is a very short book, but it's an introduction to systems involving people, not just engineering.

NumberwangonDec 12, 2018

Could you give more details on 'Thinking In Systems'? There are a lot of books with similar or the same title.

dahx4EevonSep 9, 2019

Are there any related books that should be read along with Thinking in Systems?

plainOldTextonAug 16, 2018

Worth nothing Donella H. Meadows has authored a highly rated book on systems, Thinking in Systems: A Primer.

copperxonAug 2, 2016

I haven't read "Thinking in Systems," but I'm wondering if it's similar in spirit to Mindstorms, which advocated teaching in terms of thinking in microworlds, or systems.

mahmudonJuly 3, 2012

I also loved the Berkeley book, Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems. Went down well with a 5 week daily diet of "Thinking in Systems: A Primer".

sah2edonOct 25, 2019

OT: Interesting blog you’ve got there.

I’ve seen Donella Meadows’ Thinking in Systems book recommended here a few times before, but your review really pulled the trigger for me, so thanks!

lyricatonOct 17, 2018

I think it depends on the product field you are facing.

Personally, I will recommend Donella’s “Thinking In systems

douglaswlanceonDec 16, 2019

My top priority books:

    Software Requirements - Karl Wiegers

Programming TypeScript - Boris Cherny

Associate Cloud Engineer Study - Dan Sullivan

Design Patterns - Gang of Four

Refactoring - Kent Beck, Martin Fowler

Programming Pearls - Jon Bentley

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture - Martin Fowler

The Pragmatic Programmer - David Thomas, Andrew Hunt

CSS: The Definitive Guide - Eric A. Meyer, Estelle Weyl

Working Effectively with Legacy Code - Michael Feathers

Head First Design Patterns - Eric Freeman, Bert Bates

Code Complete - Steve McConnell

Peopleware - Tim Lister, Tom DeMarco

Clean Code - Robert C. Martin

The Clean Coder - Robert C. Martin

Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin

Don't Make Me Think - Steve Krug

Functional Design Patterns for Express.js - Jonathan Lee Martin

The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer

The best books I've ever read:

    Principles - Ray Dalio

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The Effective Executive - Peter F. Drucker

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink, Leif Babin

Influence - Robert B. Cialdini

The Startup Way - Eric Ries

The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

12 Rules for Life - Jordan B. Peterson

Measure What Matters - John Doerr, Larry Page

The Fish That Ate the Whale - Rich Cohen

The E-Myth Revisited - Michael E. Gerber

The Score Takes Care of Itself - Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig Walsh

Management - Peter F. Drucker

Thinking in Systems - Donella H. Meadows

Blue Ocean Strategy - W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

cannonedhamsteronJuly 23, 2019

Learning to effectively communicate with others is the single most important skill you can learn. It will help you improve your relationships with others, clearly communicate your own ideas, and address areas for improvement in ideas and others in a way that is constructive. There's been quite a few great books on this thread already. Here's some I haven't seen.

* The Ultimate Sales Machine - Chet Holmes - good even if you're not in sales

* The Effective Executive - Peter Drucker - Great book overall

* The Phoenix Project - good for understanding project flows and silos.

* Thinking in Systems - good for how to set up processes so that even if you step away the job still gets done. Essential for getting promoted, no one can promote you if you're impossible to replace.

l_tonMay 14, 2019

I have found "Thinking in Systems" [0] to be a good book for crystallizing "systems" concepts in abstract. For example, it includes discussions on feedback loops, bottlenecks, equilibrium, etc.

IIRC, it has been used as a textbook for systems theory classes in some universities, but it's concise and written for a general audience.

[0] https://www.amazon.com/dp/1603580557

james_s_tayleronJan 12, 2019

Context matters here. This list is from Thinking In Systems and it simply presents a high level model for leverage points at which to intervene in a system. It doesn't specify any system in particular and the author notes that you have to intervene at the level that is both effective and possible. It's not as if the recommendation is "a paradigm shift is required".

FellshardonFeb 24, 2020

There is a more formal description of systems thinking (see 'Thinking in Systems', Donella H. Meadows, for examples) that describe systems as components driving feedback loops and how they generate equilibrium or degenerate states, and where the best leverage is to alter the states of those systems. But I have a feeling it's yet another topic that's been diluted by consult-speak.

colinbonFeb 5, 2019

Does anyone know if there's a strong link between Forrester and Donella Meadows, of Thinking in Systems? I'm reading that book after seeing it praised more than once on HN.

Meadows provides lots of food for thought, and I think I could make my workplace better if I figured out how to apply some of the ideas she expresses. I'm not convinced that all of her reasoning is very rigorous, and I suppose that matches the feelings of the author of this article, not that I think he does a great job of rigor either. Once the fine article extended its ideas from city planning to no platforming, without apparent irony, or data, I got the yawn.

spodekonDec 14, 2017

I remember the first time reading this book, or rather the 30 year update -- https://www.amazon.com/Limits-Growth-Donella-H-Meadows/dp/19... -- thinking, "this is the approach to take to understand how the economy, ecology, pollution, and so on interact."

Everything else was just looking at elements. Technology is important, for example, but exists within a system. They looked at the system. They had to simplify and assume a lot, which the media didn't understand (probably benign ignorance) and critics blew out of proportion (probably maliciously), but I found their approach the most meaningful.

Sadly, I know many people who care about the environment but don't understand the (relatively simple) math in their approach, and many people who understand the math but don't care about the environment, but almost no one who cares and understands. So in about a decade since reading it, I haven't found anyone I can talk to about it meaningfully.

A great companion by one of the authors is Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows -- https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp....

Both changed my views more than almost any other books.

wyconApr 14, 2018

A great book for this is Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. She has many illustrative examples that really help get the points across. Coming from an electrical engineering background, I found her discussion around the interactions between positive and negative loops to be very interesting.


pjmorrisonMar 26, 2021

For more on the Apollo 13 crisis response, check out 'Apollo: Race to the Moon' by Murray and Cox. I haven't met a more detailed popular examination of the engineering and management effort behind the Apollo program, and they spend some time on the 'back room' of engineers depicted in the film.

I'm reminded of 'The Medical Detectives', Roueche, but only by reputation (I own a copy I haven't read.) "In each true story, local health authorities and epidemiologists race against time to find the clue to an unknown and possibly fatal disease."

If you interpret 'The enemy might get the bomb before we do' as a crisis, 'The Making of the Atomic Bomb', Rhodes, is a detailed (and Pulitzer Prize-winning) examination of how we got from discovering the atom's nucleus to the consequences of deploying city-destroying weapons in a generation or so.

You might find general systems theory interesting, maybe 'Thinking In Systems', Meadows, and/or 'An Introduction to General Systems Thinking', Weinberg.

dmuxonFeb 5, 2019

"Metaphors We Live By" by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson changed how I thought about language and how I use it to orient myself in the world.

"Thinking in Systems: A Primer" by Donella Meadows changed how I approached designing/troubleshooting software systems as well as changed how I think about political policy decisions and their results.

"Object Thinking" by David West dramatically altered how I approach designing OO systems. I especially liked the chapter(s) where he used different real-world metaphors for designing systems. For example, asynchronous communication (email) is often more appropriate than synchronous communication (calling someone on the phone). Delegation of tasks without "micromanaging" (i.e tell don't ask).

"Ever Wonder Why?" by Thomas Sowell gave me an insight into some of the underpinnings of Conservative thought. I'd never had the opportunity to hear any of the arguments he brings up in college or in my own liberal social groups.

emiphilonJune 5, 2021

Post 7 resonates with me a lot. One thing that it only hints at is how fundamentally different thinking about things from a machine/system perspective is from thinking about things directly.

It's also really ubiquitous across a bunch of disciplines, from Drucker's Management & Gerber's E-Myth & Dalio's Principles in business/org development (not even mentioning the huge field of ops management) to the broader field of systems thinking like Donnelly's Thinking in Systems. Even frameworks like the Scientific Method are a form of this type of thinking, and it's easy to forget that these are all human concepts of trying to bring order to chaos. In the software world you have contemporaries like Larson's An Elegant Puzzle focusing on the management aspect and so so so many classics like GoF/Pragmatic Programmer/Code Complete that focusing on the developer. It's neat that the same ideas apply at different levels of the bigger systems (company, project, individual contributor).

It's also easy to forget that the cogs of many of these machines are people, and this article does a good job of bringing that aspect to the forefront.

westurneronAug 17, 2018

"The Limits to Growth" (1972)

"Thinking in Systems: a Primer" (2008)

Glossary of systems theory

Systems Theory


Computational Thinking

Which of the #GlobalGoals (UN Sustainable Development Goals) Targets and Indicators are primary leverage points for ensuring - if not growth - prosperity?

schlagetownonSep 2, 2017

Mindstorms, by Seymour Papert - for understanding the relationship of learning and technology; a smart, humanist, empathetic approach to education
[See also: The Children's Machine; Deschooling Society]

Clock of the Long Now, by Stewart Brand - for the concepts of deep time and the long now; appreciating a sense of how we experience time and our place in history
[See also: Time and the Art of Living]

Flatland, by Edwin A. Abbott - creative parable that's very helpful for conceptualizing abstract concepts of topology and higher dimensions

Thinking in Systems, A Primer, by Donella Meadows - great introduction to systems thinking, which is a useful lens for appreciating the complexity of all sorts of complex phenomena

A Pattern Language, by Christopher Alexander - great work of urban design, useful framework for looking at design systems and how pieces fit together on different scales
[See also: Death and Life of Great American Cities]

Oulipo - A Primer of Potential Literature - nice introduction to the Oulipo and ideas of constraint as creative / poetic device
[See also: Exercises in Style; Eunoia]

Impro, by Keith Johnstone - great primer on improvisation, really made me appreciate its impacts beyond just the theater, for example the importance of status in social relations

The Power Broker, by Robert Caro - unbeatably rich and compelling look at how power and politics actually work, for better (power gets things done) and for worse (power blinds and corrupts)

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard - beautiful, meticulously observed study of the natural world close at hand; made me appreciate the power of looking deeply and persistently

Le Ton beau de Marot, by Douglas Hofstadter - remarkable exploration of language and translation, in all its magic and complexity…both deeply personal and deeply researched, a must-read for lovers of language

The Library at Night, by Alberto Manguel - turned me on to the various lenses through which we can conceive of and appreciate libraries; their vast power and potential

Moby Dick, by Herman Melville - for really hammering home the grand, powerful potential of great literature and well-wrought language
[ See also: Don Quixote; Infinite Jest]

beaconstudiosonDec 17, 2019

> in my interpretation Camus is one of the possible outcomes of Nietzsche's thoughts, and that his thoughts afford for many

Yeah that makes total sense. How do you respond to a meaningless universe? By imagining up our own meaning and putting value in that.

> I think that is something that resonated with me - that _my_ philosophy does not need to be yours, but that we can still find some common ground to survive with one another.

Yeah I totally agree, and I think we could benefit from more people who viewed our existence in that way.

> Do you have good recommendations for Zen Buddhism and systems theories?

Unfortunately I'm not generally that bookish - a lot of the knowledge I have on these subjects, I've picked up from thinking and practicing the ideas within, odd sources on the internet and in conversations rather than reading books. However, I can recommend Alan Watts' "The Way of Zen" and Donella Meadows' "Thinking in Systems", which I have read and both of which are fantastic.

Unfortunately sometimes systems theorists get caught up in the fine grained details such as "stock and flow" and "causal loop" diagrams and specific types of loop structure, which happens in Donella Meadows' book - the wiki page for complex systems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_system) is a good entry point for the high level concerns in systems theory.

[edit] I'm also told that Godel Escher Bach is an interesting book for approaching systems concepts like self-reference and emergence in a more esoteric, example-driven way.

xhrpostonDec 12, 2018

The Obstacle is the Way (somewhat encouraging)

The Art of Empathy (very interesting)

The Three Body Problem (good)

The Startup Way (decent)

The Politics of Bitcoin (short but interesting)

Why We Sleep (very much worth it)

The Last Arrow (mixed feelings)

The Prize (boring but informative)

Superhuman by Habit (OK, not much new)

The Circle of Profit (straight to the point)

Thinking in Systems (couldn't finish it)

Radical Candor (awesome)

Harry Potter #1 (too low of a reading level)

Man's Search for Meaning (classic)

Flow (Amazing!)

Scary Close (great)

james_s_tayleronDec 12, 2018

Why Nations Fail (amazing!)

Chimpanzee Politics (interesting)

Corporate Confidential (paranoid, but worth a read)

Developer Hegemony (red pill for developers!!!)

Bargaining For Advantage (reasonable)

Tempo: Timing, Tactics and Strategy in Narrative-Driven Decision Making (abstract as hell but rewarding)

Thinking Fast and Slow (loved it)

The Elephant In The Brain (seriously underrated)

The Brain That Changes Itself (inspirationally freaky)

The Power of Habit (good!)

The Secret Barrister (mildly disturbing)

Thinking In Systems (huge fan of this book!)

A Short History of Truth (meh...)

Man's Search For Meaning (brooo... I am so sorry)

Thinking In Bets (meh.. really meh)

The Road To Ruin (alright. Interesting even.)

Lying For Money (lots of fun!)

Great Answers To Tough Interview Questions (what it says on the tin)

Traction (good overview of marketing tactics)

Lean Customer Development (pretty good)

The Mom Test (eye opening)

Lean B2B (solid playbook)

Principles (instant classic)

davidglonFeb 6, 2019

* Elephant in the brain - the hidden motives we all follow, should be required reading before people come up with policy improvements to the world

* Sapians - great for a global view of our history, and an understanding of how important myths and religions have been for us being successful (as protocols for getting on)

* Thinking in Systems - toolchest of mental models for dealing with complex systems

mk89onJune 28, 2017

There are regulations made to prevent monopoly, abuse of market dominance, etc, which are supposed to guarantee a fair market.

It bites everyone, every kind of group where some competition is involved, even smaller companies, and we all agree on that.

However, when Google is touched, we all feel that we don't live anymore in a free world, that communism has won, etc - at least that's the kind of feeling I perceive every time they have to pay for something.

Why the break up of the Bell System [0]. Afterall it's their business, right?

Why was Microsoft forced (back then) to let people choose which browser to install? Same reason.

I don't know if you have ever read the book "Thinking in systems - D. Meadows", there is an interesting chapter about this which explains why such regulations are important.

[0]: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakup_of_the_Bell_System

practicingdevonSep 3, 2016

I'm the author of this article.

If you find it interesting, here are some links to a couple other articles I've really enjoyed on the topic:

# Queues don't fix overload


# There is no happy path in programming


Also, if you're looking for a whole book on systems thinking, albeit in a more general context, it's worth checking out "Thinking in Systems: A Primer" by Donella H. Meadows.

Once you start thinking about this stuff it's impossible to not see it everywhere. But for programmers, ops people, etc. that's a good thing... because our jobs depend on it.

franzeonDec 23, 2018

I went back to the basics this year. Re-read my favorites from Jerry Weinberg ( August 7, 2018)

- The Secrets of Consulting: A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully

- An Introduction to General Systems Thinking

- Becoming a Technical Leader: An Organic Problem-Solving Approach

- Are your lights on?

based on his references I went back to Virginia Satir, her Books are kinda hard to order:

- The new Peoplemaking

- The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond

- Your Many Faces.

And as always once a year:

- Thinking in Systems: A Primer - Donella H. Meadows

Just writting this list makes me realize that this was a kinda classic year for me. Still read a lot of coding books i.e.: about JS, CloujourScript but nothing stood out.

- Understanding ECMAScript6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers - Nicholas C. Zakas

was good. Some points I did not know and a good read.

- Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It - Chris Voss

was great as it gave me new insights how to structure my speech and thoughts behind it.

But well, my favorite book this year was and is mine

- "Understanding SEO - A Systematic Approach to Search Engine Optimization" - Franz Enzenhofer

Taking what i learned from Weinberg and Meadows (with some E. Bono) and apply it to the system that is search(-behaviour and the marketplace Google). https://www.fullstackoptimization.com/b/understanding-seo

JtsummersonJuly 7, 2020

You may be interested in reading more about system dynamics. There are a number of good books out there:

- Thinking in Systems, also by Meadows

- Business Dynamics, by Sterman (slowly working through this)

- Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics, by Morecroft

- General Systems Thinking, by Weinberg (on Leanpub you can get the PDFs, it's 4 books there, as I recall the first two were published as one book when it was published as a paper book)

chubotonJan 22, 2019

I read both Systemantics and Thinking in Systems.

I agree that both of them were not very rigorous, e.g. in terms of making predictions or presenting falsifiable claims. But I enjoyed parts of both.

From Thinking in Systems, I got 2 main things out of it:

- Many systems can be modelled in terms of resources and flows.

- If you want to affect a system, find the leverage points.

But both claims could have been justified more. It feels like the author states them as a given.

Specifically, she doesn't talk much about modelling error. OK, so I came up with a set of resources and flows to model a system. How do I know if it's good? Will it work in some cases and wildly mispredict in others?

I think they just did computer simulations? How did you check it against the real world? I think that was entirely missing from the book. I'd be happy for a correction.

Overall, the book felt like it was incomplete (which is not surprising, given the back story of its publication).

I think I read this book because Bill Gates recommended it. I can understand why he would have liked it. I'm not sure there is much that's actionable for a programmer or software designer, though.

I'd be interested in other takes on it too. Did I miss something? I also wonder why it's so highly thought of. I think it does have a unique point of view, and raises interesting questions, but it also made me wonder if that view is true! It's perhaps too vague to be true or false.


I enjoyed Systemantics, to a point. The negative view of systems tends to be the more accurate one in my experience ;-)

vijayshankarvonJan 21, 2019

If you found Peter Senge's book practical you would probably like Thinking in Systems. It takes a few systems archetypes and explores them in reasonable detail and has charts of simulations. I browse through my copy every once in a while when thinking about a problem, and it often sheds some light on the problem.

Before reading this book, I did not think much about delays but now I try to identify them as soon as possible.

endiangrouponJune 14, 2021

AD: Systems Thinking is getting out of date, but in the spirit of knowledge sharing, another fantastic systems thinker is Donella Meadows, heres her most linked piece on leverage points in systems: https://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-t.... Her book 'Thinking In Systems' is a fantastic read to open your mind to continuous systems and modelling them, as well as the counter intuitiveness of larger systems.

To expand on 'out of date' - systems thinking is centred around command and control, IIRC it came out of Cybernetics ala Norbert Weiner, Ashby and others. The command and control angle is based on the assumption that with enough information any system can be mapped, predicted and controlled. Whilst not wrong, it excludes another type of system which is truly complex and precludes mapping and prediction by the fact there are either/all too many variables to model or the very act of measuring or acting changes the system or the agents of the system can change the rules of the system.

These systems are deemed by the sense-making community to be Complex Adaptive Systems or Anthro-Complex (specifically for human systems). To approach these systems you have to become comfortable with uncertainty and re-arrange your thoughts on cause-and-effect, which is a whole new world view for many of us in software.

https://cynefin.io/ is great resource, Dave Snowden is a big name in naturalising sense-making and these broader views of complexity.

practicingdevonSep 6, 2016

The way I use it is to assume certain things, and then consider the consequences of them. I wish I could have discussed this more in the article, but the specific example got long enough that a theory tie-in would have been a lot for a blog post.

But anyway, things like feedback loops (both positive and negative), oscillations, stocks, flows, control points, system boundaries, etc. etc. -- these are all tools for giving both names and operational patterns to different things you'll see happen in a system.

And once you have that, you end up with a better mental model from first principles that lets you anticipate and work with certain aspects of systems before you learn its behavior through trial and error / best practices.

I need to dig deeper myself, but I found "Thinking in Systems" from Donella H. Meadows a good primer on the basics . So far the best benefit systems thinking has given me is a changed perspective on things, but I think it'll help for doing more detailed analysis with a bit more study and practice, too.

chadcmulliganonMar 29, 2018

from the book page 2:

So, what is a system? A system is a set of things-people, cells, molecules, or whatever-interconnected in such a way that they produce their own pattern of behavior over time. The system may be buffeted,constricted, triggered, or driven by outside forces. But the system's response to these forces is characteristic of itself, and that response is seldom simple in the real world.

Donella H. Meadows. Thinking in Systems: A Primer (Kindle Locations 89-90). Kindle Edition.

This is one of the most important books I've ever read, if you want the way you think about the world to change read it. It's a very short read to.

auslegungonSep 16, 2018

I was recently given this list of books by some very skilled engineers who I trust

1. [The Pragmatic Programmer](https://pragprog.com)
2. Martin Fowler's [Refactoring Book](https://martinfowler.com/books/refactoring.html)
3. Kent Beck's [Test Driven Development: By Example](https://www.amazon.com/Test-Driven-Development-Kent-Beck/dp/...)
4. [Thinking in Systems: A Primer](https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp...)
5. [Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice](https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Mind-Beginners-Informal-Meditatio...)
6. [Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware](https://www.amazon.com/Pragmatic-Thinking-Learning-Refactor....)

AviatoreonMar 4, 2020

Fascinating to see so many salty comments, let me share my feedback. I like the concept of having a snapshot of the content at the beginning of the article. Found myself clicking on quite a few of the links out of curiosity, including a well-written piece by Harvard Law on the Wells Fargo scandal.

I would have preferred that at least half of the tools were already available on the article (@Azura), although they have some tools in the solutions page that were not listed in the article.

For any management related topics, I am always reminded of the usual and timeless (@JSeymour): How to Win Friends and Influence People, 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, Thinking in Systems: A Primer, The Effective Executive and Failing Forward.

ThePhysicistonAug 1, 2016

I also think that we underestimate the amount of unused resources that we haven't tapped into yet (e.g. planets in our solar systems) and the resources that we might not even know about yet (e.g. new forms of matter or "new" laws of physics). Also, it seems likely that paradigm-shifting technological breakthroughs will continue pushing the boundaries of our growth further out. An interesting read in that respect is "Thinking in Systems" by Donella Meadows. In the 60s and 70s, the systems thinking approach outlined in the book also predicted that our planet would soon hit it's "carrying capacity" and further growth would be stunted. A major reason this didn't happen was (IMHO) the rate of technological change, which moved the carrying capacity of the planet well beyond what would've been possible 30 years ago. The same processes that were at work then are still at work today and constantly change the technological background against which we make our assertions, which makes systemic estimates of macro-economic systems a very tricky business.

As they say, the stone age didn't end because of the lack of stones ;)

OldHand2018onJan 30, 2019

> How can I address this using tech?

If you have a hammer and can't find any nails, looking around for other things to hit is unlikely to be a productive activity.

You've identified a serious, complex issue and you care about improving the situation. That's an excellent beginning. Go to your local library and find a book on systems thinking/analysis such as Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. Start to understand how all the pieces fit together and what sort of changes will help and what will make the problem worse (you will be surprised!). Your tech experience will be extremely helpful here.

spodekonMay 11, 2018

I'll answer your question first, then suggest something I consider more important, having survived several life-shattering crises.

- The Tao Te Ching, especially Ron Hogan's translation (freely downloadable here: http://beatrice.com/wordpress/tao-te-ching)

- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Jean-Dominique Bauby

- Getting Things Done, David Allen

- Gimp, Marc Zupan

- Thinking in Systems, Donella Meadows

- Leadership Step by Step, Joshua Spodek (full disclosure: me, https://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Step-Become-Person-Others/...)

The suggestion I consider more valuable is to focus more on active behavior than relatively passive reading. Of course, still read. But it's easy to read more and more, telling yourself you're getting more perspective. You are, but nothing changes your perspective like actually moving.

Even if you don't know what will work best -- meditation, fitness, art, music, travel, cooking, gardening, starting a business, etc -- starting with something, even if you soon abandon it, will lead you to things you love and that develop you faster than reading alone. Plus activity will make what you read more meaningful.

I include my book because it's specifically a book of exercises that lead to developing social and emotional skills designed to build on each other.

franzeonFeb 5, 2019

Thinking in Systems: A Primer
by Donella H. Meadows

I read it once a year. It changed how i think about everything. My career is based on this book. My interaction with people and groups of people is based on this book.

shooonJuly 20, 2019

I don't think an analogy that focuses on "capacity" alone is a great one. You want an analogy with both stocks and flows. It's worth checking out Donella Meadows' book "Thinking in Systems: A Primer".

here's a rough disk space analogy with stocks and flows:

Suppose you have a disk with free space X. What rate do you consume free disk space? What rate do you produce more free disk space? if flow out (of disk space) is larger than flow in (of disk space) then after some finite time you will always run out of disk, no matter how much free space X you started with. More capacity (a larger initial value of X) just buys you more time until the emergency. Which is useful, but you still haven't solved the actual problem in terms of the delta between the two flow rates. Now if you have your flow rates under control, and you produce at least as much free disk space as you consume, what if the flow rates aren't always steady, but have variability? Then having some spare capacity can help to provide slack or buffer to deal with temporary periods where disk is consumed much quicker than usual. But there are diminishing marginal returns to having lots of excess capacity.

> Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery. --Charles Dickens

bootszonDec 18, 2018

The author of Thinking in Systems is incorrect. The author is Donella H. Meadows: https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp...

seitzejonJuly 16, 2020

Thinking in Systems - Donella Meadows

Finite and Infinite Games - James Carse

atlas1428onSep 7, 2018

- The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

- Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter

- Language, Truth, and Logic by A. J. Ayer

- Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella Meadows

Books that serve as investment philosophy guides for those who've developed a habit of saving money but are looking for the "next step" in building more wealth. From the mind of one of the greatest investors of all time:

- The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham (get the annotated version with an epilogue written by Warren Buffett!)

- The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America

A book that discusses what matters most in your life from a resource-allocation, measurable results standpoint (family, etc.):

- How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton Christensen

A book I read 10 years ago that forever changed the way I manage productivity and organization both at work and in my personal life:

- Getting Things Done by David Allen

Books that show that our universe is just as crazy, if not crazier, than science fiction:

- Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy

- Quantum Chance: Nonlocality, Teleportation and Other Quantum Marvels

- ..and so on with intersecting topics!

Not to mention, I love trying to have as deep an understanding as I can by reading highly technical textbooks on cosmology, gravitation, and quantum physics.

schuetzeonMay 13, 2019

Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella Meadows

Once you start looking for positive and negative feedback loops in the world around you, it's hard to stop. In particular, Meadow's book is great because it also goes beyond +/- loops in isolation, and shows more complicated patterns, such as eroding goal patterns and traps that often cause public policy interventions to fail.

thanatropismonMar 10, 2020

I'm not very fond of Taleb, but well -- anything by Taleb.

Exercise books for Fermi estimates like Guesstimation, etc.

Further out, something in systems thinking, maybe Donella Meadows' "Thinking in systems". Further further out, maybe those Stafford Beer papers about the Viable Systems Model? At one point Beer and Allende thought they were about to implement Red Plenty.


I understand the businessy logic that nothing is so fundamentally qualitative that it shouldn't be quantified. But you'll always be safer if you keep rich qualitative models and treat quantification as gravy on top of that.

The extreme opposite of rich qualitative models is the Soviet method of material balances. Halfway through there's the McNamara Fallacy:


NiklasMortonMar 29, 2018

Thinking in Systems: A Primer

by Donella H. Meadows (Author),‎ Diana Wright (

ISBN-10: 1603580557
ISBN-13: 978-1603580557

schuetzeonSep 6, 2018

You can also look into "system dynamics" software, which allows for the modeling of complex systems with very little user-facing mathematics. Dana Meadows wrote a book called "Thinking in Systems," which is a great intro to this subject.¹

I personally have used Stella by isee systems, which will output an equation from your model if you are so inclined, but I think there is cheaper/free software out there that will do similar types of modeling.

1. https://wtf.tw/ref/meadows.pdf

DowwieonDec 23, 2018

What is it about "Thinking in Systems" that compels you to read it annually?

pmarreckonJan 28, 2016

If you like books of that nature, have you heard of Thinking in Systems? http://smile.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/d...

RainymoodonMay 16, 2019

Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella Meadows

kthejoker2onAug 9, 2019

My own humble suggestions - although the books are hardly forgotten. But I think people focus a lot on technical / engineering books, and very little on design / user experience / human behavior, which arguably contribute much more to the overall impressions end users have of programmers' work.

First, the greatest book of all time, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - an amazingly introspective and insightful look into how to live an examined life and improve oneself.

And then if you want to learn lower-case "design thinking", my top 10 books

* Design for Everyday Things - duh. I re-read chunks of it all the time.

* Tufte - hard to pick one, I might actually be iconoclastic and go with Visual Explanations which I think has more to offer programmers over pure data visualization. Again, just grab one every day, flip through 3-4 pages, rinse, repeat.

* User Story Mapping - Extremely memorable book - it gives you a pretty clear field guide on prioritization, empathy, communication ... just a great book.

* Badass by Kathy Sierra - I flip through this book again and again. It is gospel truth about what motivates humans.

* The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design - IDEO's most practical book. (Close second: Designing Interactions.)

* Universal Methods of Design - another deeply practical book, lots of good tips and examples.

* Universal Principles of Design - Sister book to the Universal Methods. Again, straightforward, flip to any page and get an idea when you're brainstorming.

* Thinking in Systems - I recommend you skim this book through, but come back to it a lot, it grows with you.

* Inspired by Marty Cagan - again, love nuts and bolts process books.

* Don't Make Me Think! - still a classic, still see these mistakes being made all the time in modern app dev.

mmozurasonDec 8, 2014

Thinking in Systems - Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright


dredmorbiusonMay 12, 2016

TL;DR: Recommendations systems cannot be indifferent to truth.

Some related concepts:

1. Donella Meadows, in Thinking in Systems, notes that an absolute requirement of an effective and healthy system is accurate feedback and information. Media which are indifferent to truth value, or which actively promote distortion (see Robert Proctor's term, agnotology), will actively harm the system.

2. Celine's 2nd law, and inversion. In Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus! trilogy, a character notes that "accurate information is possible only in a non-punishing situation". Its inverse is also true: acurate information is only possible when it is accuracy itself and ONLY accuracy which is rewarded. Academic publishing, in which paper output and journal selection is a gateway determinant of professional careers, would be an instance of this. Or the long skew of The Learning Channel from NASA-PBS educational co-production to Honey Boo-Boo broadcaster.

3. Paperclip Maximizer. "Don't be evil" isn't good enough. You've got to actively seek out good. Even a benign maximisation goal will, if not tempered by requirements to provide net benefit, lead to catastrophic results.

4. Mancur Olson's "The Logic of Collective Action" explains how and why small (but motivated) fringe groups can achieve goals directly opposed to the interests of far larger groups. This explains a great deal of market and political dysfunction.

5. A generalisation of Gresham's Law leads to the realisation that understanding of complex truths is itself expensive. It's also (Dunning-Kruger) beyond the capability of much of the population. This also has some rather dismal implications, though as William Ophuls notes, political theory based on the assumption that all the children can be above average ("the Lake Wobegon effect") are doomed. You dance with the dunce what brung ya.

Social media are being flagrantly self-serving and destructive.

a_bonoboonFeb 6, 2019

Some books:

Two books by Erich Fromm, a German/American philosopher of the 50s/60s: The Art of Loving. Some points: To him love is a skill that has to be practiced and learned, love in a relationship is constant hard work, love of another is only possible if you first love yourself, and you cannot love another human being if you do not love mankind. A little bit later he published The Sane Society, a Marxist critique of capitalist society, how consumerism leads to self-alienation etc.

>Fascism, Nazism and Stalinism have in common that they offered the atomized individual a new refuge and security. These systems are the culmination of alienation. The individual is made to feel powerless and insignificant, but taught to project all of his human powers into the figure of the leader, the state, the "fatherland," to whom he has to submit and whom he has to worship. He escapes from freedom and into a new idolatry. All the achievements of individuality and reason, from the late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century are sacrificed on the altars of the new idols. ...built on the most flagrant lies, both with regard to their programs and to their leaders.

Sounds familiar?

- Donna Meadows' Thinking in Systems, how to model anything as an interconnected system, and how unseen positive and negative feedback loops cause unintended consequences in any system

- Anne Lammott's Bird by Bird - I have to write a lot for my work and this is the best primer on getting things out the door

- For the Australians: Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu, on how early white European settlers completely misunderstood indigenous agriculture, all the things that were lost when Europeans settled Australia, and what we can use today. Gives you a VERY different look at Australian history.

- Ha-Joon Chang's Economics: The User's Guide. Just came out, an absolutely amazing intro and look at modern economics, the flimsiness of neoliberalist thought, and how we need to use the tools of each economic school of thought to think about the economy, not getting stuck on one school

dj-wonkonMay 11, 2015

This article, like many, mentions the idea of the Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) but does not convincingly connect it to the particular nature of police corruption.

An interesting article; still, I tire of seeing so many articles introduce and anchor game theory based on the PD or one particular configuration of it. The PD is frequently overblown, misunderstood, and misapplied. Game theory is much more than the PD.

I think it is also worth mentioning that game theory isn't the only game or theory in town when it comes to thinking about society and collective action. For example, systems dynamics is also quite interesting; see Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella Meadows.

To get a handle for police corruption, I'd argue a theory probably should explain how and why:

  * corrupt police do/don't get caught
* corrupt police do/don't rat each other out
* police are/aren't monitored
* police are/aren't incentivized

lectrickonJuly 8, 2015

I have a nagging (intuition? feeling?) that software safety/reliability/security needs are going to explode soon (because unreliabilities multiply in non-resilient systems interacting with each other) and that these are simply foreshocks.

(yeah, I know security is already a huge deal, but as we come to trust software systems more and more, the safety/reliability factor will come more into play)

EDIT: This is also part of the reason I've been learning Elixir (http://elixir-lang.org/) since it's based on the highly-resilient Erlang and is designed to embrace failure. This was also informed by me reading Nassim Taleb's book "Antifragile" as well as "Thinking in Systems: A Primer" by the (late) Donella Meadows.

justushamalaineonJuly 22, 2016

Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

How I raised myself from failure to success in selling, Frank Bettger

Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Daniela Meadows

Most important thing is to get up and start doing stuff, understand how you personally f$$k things up and reap benifits of compound interest in personal development. I think these three bookshave a lot of information that is usable in any career or path one might choose.

DanielStraightonNov 3, 2010

Wouldn't that largely depend on what the topic is?

If I want to learn a language, I'll find a basic book on it and then grab as much native audio as I possibly can.

If I want to learn about something in math, I'll go to Khan Academy.

If I want to learn about irrational decision-making in everyday life, I'll read a book.

And that all starts with the assumption that learning follows the waterfall method: pick what you want to learn, learn it, move on to something else. I find learning much more iterative: be intrigued by something, follow it, see what it leads. I never really decided to learn about systems thinking, but I came across the personal MBA reading list one day, thought it was fascinating, came back, picked a book that looked interesting (Thinking in Systems), and read it.

A couple of weeks ago, I learned a great deal about writing fiction with characters of a different gender or race than you. I never set out to, but I do NaNoWriMo each year, and one of the most active posts on their forum was about "writing the other." It fascinated me, so I followed it, and learned something for it. This, to me, is what lifelong learning looks like.

tworconFeb 4, 2019

We work, live and operate in a complex environment and I think if we start viewing the organisation its projects and the environment in which it operates more from a systems perspective we may realise that in fact, it is truly difficult to make accurate predictions given the non-linear behaviour the system exhibits that results from all the information flows (or lack thereof), interaction of parts and other dynamics such as markets, human energy levels/mood, etc.

I really learned a lot from the book called Thinking in Systems and nowadays I can't help to look at projects, from within the context in which it operates. Definitely recommend the book for somebody wanting a bit of an introduction to that mental model.

erdevsonAug 2, 2016

RIP Donella Meadows, a great thinker.

The interested reader may also like this slideshare overview of Thinking in Systems ch. 1-3: http://www.slideshare.net/sandhyajohnson/thinking-in-systems...

Another of her well-known works is Leverage Points, which is also great and goes into more detail on some of that which is summarized in OP's linked article. http://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to... , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_leverage_points

Having worked in automated systems analysis and optimization across several fields, I think Meadows' thinking is very instructive. Some of her notions which stand out in particular to me:

* The importance of the effect of feedback loops in complex system. When unexpected or counterintuitive behavior occurs, a hidden or misunderstood reinforcement feedback loop is often at root.

* The requirement that systems that seek to automate or optimize complex interactive systems be constantly-adaptive because the system itself will interact with the observation/analysis/optimization acts. This can seem like crazy voodoo at first, but it is undeniable when you start to experience it in action.

* Understanding of cost externalities vs benefit rewards for system actors and how they relate to system sources/sinks (or "stocks and flows"). This drives so much of our economy, as well as the subsystems which feed it and she has some illuminating thoughts and analyses on addressing these issues broadly.

This all of course goes well beyond the more basic material on oversimplification vs complexity in simulation or interventions, limits of rationality in system-actors, nonlinearity vs linear thinking, boundary conditions/non-boundary conditions, etc.

amirkdvonJune 19, 2021

I suppose link compilations like this have some value some times. But if you clicked on it because you're new to EM and keen, here are a few books that are much more helpful IMO:

- The Manager's Path, by Camille Fournier

- An Elegant Puzzle, by Will Larson

- Team Topologies, by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais

- Thinking in Systems, by Donella Meadows

- Also see: references cited in the above and other works by same authors

Disclaimer: Not a seasoned EM and definitely not the first to recommend these on HN.

franzeonFeb 6, 2019

Yeah, it's a starting point, but still the best one with the most clearest thoughts. Every other System Thinking Book is more specialiced to one domain and seem to drive additional agendas.

I can recommend everything else she has written. I go back to "Thinking in Systems" once a year and analyze my life, my projects again with her framework. There is always something new to discover.

bklaasenonMar 7, 2015

The two books on systems thinking that I'd recommend are Gerald Weinberg's "An introduction to general systems thinking" and Donella Meadows' "Thinking in systems: a primer". Anything by Gerald Weinberg is eye-opening, if you haven't come across him before. He's the grand-daddy of modern thinking on testing.

If you follow the advice in this article, you'll end up with an inefficient old-school, documentation-heavy, dogmatic factory-style quality-police testing department, set up in opposition to your development team.

MaroonMar 15, 2014

World3 is a famous simulation done in the 70s of our world/civilization that broadly predicts how our interaction with the environment will lead to a breakdown (decrease) of population.


You can run this world simulation here:


(Click on the green run simulation on the upper left.)

The lady who is responsible for this is called Donella Meadows, she is a famous systems thinker, I read one of her books titled 'Thinking in Systems'. It's about how to think about such systems (without actually modelling them).


therobot24onDec 18, 2018

  - Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon by Valley John Carreyrou
- Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep by Matthew Walker
- The Magicians by Lev Grossman
- Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE by Phil Knight
- How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan
- Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World by Hans Rosling
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
- Deep Work by Cal Newport
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari
- The Phoenix Project by D.M. Cain
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
- Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Tia T. Farmer
- Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson
- Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
- Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
- Linear Algebra by Jim Hefferon
- 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson
- Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
- Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Atomic Habits by James Clear

Most are about self improvement...i wonder if this bias says something about those who recommended the books. Was hoping for some new fiction books to put on my audiobook list.

dredmorbiusonJune 22, 2016

On friends winding up at SFI: that's good to hear multiple ways -- for your friends, your familiarity, and yet another endorsement of the Institute.

Thinking in Systems (and not just Meadows' book) is something I'd also like to see developed more fully. Big History is more than that, but it's also one logical development -- systems pervasive throughout the academic curriculum. I think that's a powerful concept.

There's also the possiblity that many people don't and cannot get systems thinking. Another author I've been reading, William Ophuls (most especially Plato's Revenge) discusses this in the context of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, and comes to sobering conclusions regarding facing social challenges based on typical population cognitive foundations. Basing your Solution to the World's Problems on "all the children are above average" is bound to fail.

Thanks again for your time.

vector_rotcevonDec 26, 2017

Best thing for getting stuff into your head: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1250623.How_to_Develop_a...
Much like weight lifting, following this book will give you specific memorisation techniques which can be useful, but also results in a general strengthening of memory, even when you don't use any of the exact techniques).
It also strengthens your ability to imagine things, and hold those images or arrangements in your head, which is useful for applying mental models you've learnt.

Not the best, and I only really use the first one in the book (Eisenhower Matrix), but I found that alone to be worth the price (you could just google that one though). The rest of it is useful as examples of the wide variety of model types and types of things that can be modelled.

Thinking in Systems: A Primer, is a great book that I highly recommend. It's one of those books that serves as a great introduction to the subject of creating models of systems, and it's neither too long, nor overly specific on any particular subject. By the end of it, you'll know roughly enough to be able to know what you want to know next, in regards to system models.

This blog post is more like a reference resource, and I think it's worth looking over and picking out whatever interests you: https://medium.com/@yegg/mental-models-i-find-repeatedly-use...

EDIT: because my formatting was atrocious.

JtsummersonJuly 26, 2018

Anyone here read the "Thinking in Systems" book? systems thinking seems to be surprisingly absent from many professional developers and engineers. Or, they lack the ability to abstract properly beyond their specific domains. I'm trying to improve this in my office and would like to find some books to hand out to people (particularly some of the more promising young folks, influence them before they get stuck in a bad mode of thought).

Based on the Amazon reviews it seems like it might be the sort of book I'm looking for, I'll continue to check through those and for other reviews later.

franzeonJune 24, 2014

1st "Thinking in Systems"

2nd Article "Leverage Points" http://www.donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-place...

after these two you will have enough know-how on how to identify and manage systems (i.e.: your growing company)

then the only thing between you and success is reality, for how to influence the company reality you live in please read

3rd "Seeing Systems" http://www.amazon.com/Seeing-Systems-Unlocking-Mysteries-Org...

good luck and have fun (with the books, with your new responsibilities)

beaconstudiosonMar 31, 2021

both cybernetics and systems theory fit into a broader field called systems science (also called complexity theory), which is the study of complex systems. Essentially the field is adjacent to the scientific method, where the scientific method tests cause/effect from one variable to another, systems science aims to understand and model causal relations that can't be reduced to a single cause/effect consequence (and thus can't be accurately studied using reductionist methods).

It's a fairly large collection of fields, from mathematical (systems dynamics, chaos theory) to philosophical (constructivism, second-order cybernetics which is a form of epistemology) to practical (systems thinking, automation, feedback mechanisms etc). It was by far the most influential school of thought in the 20th century. It was a revolution at the time but nonetheless died out before its time.

A good place to start would be W Ross Ashby's "An Introduction to Cybernetics", or Donella Meadows' "Thinking in Systems" for the systems theory side.

FWIW, Stephen Hawking claimed the 21st century would be defined by complexity theory. I'm disappointed to say that's not yet been the case.

As for the metaphysics comment - all of reality is emergent and arises from interactions at a lower level - newtonian physics emerge from quantum mechanics, chemistry emerges from newtonian physics, biology from chemistry, sociology from biology and so on (though things of course don't stack quite as neatly as that!) - so to understand how systems work in an abstract sense is very useful for understanding reality - it's like knowing physics, if knowing physics was still useful at the macro-level.

JtsummersonDec 28, 2018

Several books by Jerry Weinberg (started last year) on systems and Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella Meadows.

Alongside those, my current job has me programming less, so I'm enjoying it as a hobby again. I've decided to pick up Common Lisp again so I'm going through various texts on it as exercises to relearn the language and its extent.

mooredsonApr 23, 2016

I have taken a couple of permaculture courses and am also a developer. The biggest synergy between the two is system thinking. In both domains, you are thinking at multiple levels of abstraction, bouncing back and forth between the high level design and low level implementation.

Highly recommended: Thinking in Systems: http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows/dp/...

And the permaculture podcast covers a variety of interesting topics: http://www.thepermaculturepodcast.com/

jquinbyonApr 4, 2018

Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications

ARRL Antenna Book

American Heritage Dictionary, 5th Ed.

Bible/Lectionary, Breviary, and Catechism

If fiction counts, I will probably never delete Flatland or the complete Joseph Conrad from my Kindle.

tblomsethonAug 9, 2015

You're probably already thinking a lot about technical systems. Donella H. Meadows' 'THINKING IN SYSTEMS' provides a profound introduction to system dynamics that might change your way of looking at systems in the world at large e.g. social, economic, and political systems and how they behave over time.

It's one of the few books I've read several times. Writing this makes me want to read it again.

tunesmithonApr 14, 2013

I spent some time a year ago or so reading Limits To Growth and Thinking In Systems by Donella Meadows - according to those theories, 8-9 billion is too high anyway. Their best case scenario is less than that, with everyone eventually settling into a standard of living that is about analogous to eastern European countries today (which is lower than the standard of living in the US).
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